Shortly after I left my job of 23 years last year, my friend Michael asked me to join on online course called Infinite Purpose. She explained she had taken all of this woman’s courses and it would be good. I trusted Michael. She knew how devastated I was by the loss of what I thought was my purpose. Most of all, she knew I was struggling to find a new ambition. I had plenty of time on my hands, so I decided to join. Little did I know, this 8 week course was going to change my life.
How the course worked was whoever signed up for the class received an email every week (usually on Monday) with a wonderful piece of art. There was a private Facebook page started where the participants could comment on the email. My belief is this is where the magic happened! We took some awesome words in an email, combined with unbelievable art and wrote on the page how it touched our lives.
From this experience, I started to realize that I wasn’t alone. There were many of us bright lights in the world who were wondering what our purpose was. There was this wonderful community of supporting people who were cheering each other on even though we had never met each other!
This course helped give voice to a vision for my future. It helped me in a time that was very hard for me because my future was unclear. Infinite Purpose taught me that my life-course change was a gift in disguise. I feel such grace and gratitude just writing my thoughts of the journey I have embarked on. My life a year ago was so busy there wasn’t time to think, enjoy life or love like I wanted to.
My favorite week was about harvesting hope (chapter 6). The picture by Lori Portka was perfect! The writing by Liv Lane touched my soul. This was the line that struck me the most, “You say I don’t know what to do next. We say you are here to harvest hope. Start there.” Since then I have been harvesting hope everywhere I go. It fills me with abundant joy!
This past weekend, I was blessed to meet this wonderful community of life-givers. It was an experience I will never forget! I was inspired by each person I talked to, it was like they were a long lost sister I had never met. I belonged there with those like-minded people. Belonging is such a great place to be.
The Infinite Purpose book is coming out on November 2 of 2015 and will be available to other bright lights out there! I suggest you give a voice to the vision that is inside you and get a copy.
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